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We love The Blueberry Girls®

**The South Bark Blueberry Girls' Guide to Success in the Self Service Dog Wash Industry

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Part Number:Book1
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You need this book! Let our 20 years of experience help you earn a place in the wonderful world of dog and cat care. Live the adventure through the eyes of the South Bark Blueberry Girls®: The developers of the industries first pet facial, South Bark's Blueberry Facial® and owners of one of the earliest self service pet washes. Our book will provide you with education, information, stories, and fun. The Blueberry Girls® break it down so that you can build it up.
5 Stars
The **The South Bark Blueberry Girls' Guide to Success in the Self Service Dog Wash Industry
Excellent guidance
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Reviewed by:  from San diego, 92104. on 3/26/2023

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